Let’s start by first asking some simple questions. This is not exhaustive by any means, but it would be the questions I would ask a customer as they consider upgrading their marketing initiatives. The questions are really trying to understand, not what you think, but what you think the outside world thinks. It is from that vantage point that you can build a baseline that helps organize your thoughts as you go through the process of improving. Make sure you socialize your thoughts, listen to others, and for sure, listen to your target audience – it’s amazing how your idea of your company will change.
What is your perspective?
- How would you describe your organization?
- What is the perfect customer for your organization?
- What do you think customers/prospects think of your organization?
- What do you think they think your organization’s focus is?
- From a percentage point, how many people do you think know who your organization is in the markets you are in (specify by market)
- How many times do you think people visit your organization’s web site (daily, weekly, and monthly)?
- Why do you think they come to your organization’s web site?
- How do you think social media impacts your organization? (Somewhat, incredibly, not at all)?
- What is your opinion of social media and how it could benefit your organization?
- How would you propose getting the word out for your organization’s services and products?
- What do you think the barriers are to having successful “tweets”, FB Messages, or blogs?
- If your organization changed everything, what could NOT change? Sacred cows.
Go ahead and answer these questions and come up with more. It may get your juices flowing.