Of course you have what could be called “classic” social business; the implementation of popular social sites into your marketing strategy. But that’s not what I am talking about here.
For the sake of clarity and this blog, let’s define Social Business as:
“Using social collaboration patterns to enhance the user experience of your audience and drive affinity to your business, products, and services.”
I use the term “patterns” to simply state that I am not talking about a product or a technology, rather, I am talking about an approach, a concept, a process. Later in this blog we define at least three discernible areas of focus for Social Business.
Now that I have your attention, let me take it a little further and try to hone in on a couple of key words.
In this blog, we are not going to address technology or costs. We will leave that to another blog. We will break it down to three large categories and discuss what’s unique and common about them. My goal is to help you break down social to some basic elements to help you understand the difference between the areas. This should help you make better decisions when it comes to your company’s overall social strategy.
MARKETING – Integrating popular social channels into your company’s marketing strategy to drive broad based awareness to your organization, products, and services.
OPERATIONAL – Integrating social processes into your mission critical and back-office systems
CUSTOMER – Harnessing the power of your customers by providing a means to share knowledge while helping foster personal and business relations for people that use your products and services
The simple answer is: All three and possibly at the same time. Though they are very different in approach, they all interplay in your goal of driving affinity and satisfaction to your organization. If done well, your strategy can have an amazing impact on your business. But you will not get the same results from each approach and this may play a role in understanding what to expect.
According to Dion Hinchcliffe’s recent blog, “Social media’s rocky road in business”
Two-thirds of businesses are now using social technology for marketing and related functions; 37 percent expect social media to be used regularly across their entire business; 9 percent expect it to be fully integrated–AIIM Report 2012
79 percent of companies use, or are imminently planning to use, social media. Neary half of the companies who were rated as “effective” in social media said it was integral to their firms’ strategy–Harvard Business Review Analytics Services
59 percent of companies use social media to engage with customers, 49 percent to advertise, and 35 percent to research customers; 30 percent use social media to research competitors and new products. Half, however, collect no data from social media–Stanford Business 2012 Social Media Survey.
Interesting statistics and insight to what companies are doing and how the concepts of the social enterprise are becoming more sophisticated and mature.
Based on my descriptions of Marketing, Operational, and Customer, what areas are you focused on?
My next blog will look at each one of these areas and explain the challenges and benefits companies have had with their initiatives. In addition, I will be reviewing one of the major ERP vendor’s strategy and tools and will provide you some idea of what to expect from that perspective.
End of Messages